
What is ITERP’s method ?

ITERP’s approach is to co-construct evaluation tools in partnership with the evaluated structures. The persons responsible for the programme, or actions being evaluated, are directly involved in the evaluation process.

Those who have already developed a self-assessment mechanism for their actions will be able to call on the international team to help them develop new tools, deepen their approach or share their results on the international level.


The partnership between ITERP and its teams is based on:


Its purpose is to train researchers and prevention programme managers in mixed evaluation methods.

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Our methodology will mix qualitative and quantitative analyses.

On the quantitative side, we will collect background information on at-risk groups including: number of people involved, age, sex, social status, occupation, family situation…

programme variables : theory of change, types of staff, assessment tools for subjects…

programme intervention variables: types of interventions, therapy, social help, counter-narrative…

And a follow-up and reinsertion variable.

On the qualitative side, we will collect information on both the implementation of respective programmes through interviews with their respective staff (in the direction of programme objectives and unintended consequences) and the objective efficacy of the programme by interviewing representative samples of the population going through the
programme and by conducting post-intervention monitoring.

Particular interventions probably work best for particular demographic groups, the objective is to match the two. All evaluations will be carried out ‘in context’.